F#, REPL Driven Development, and Scrum

Last week,  I did a book review of sorts on Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice The Work In Half The Time.  When I was reading the text, an interesting thought hit me several times.  As a pragmatic practitioner of Test Driven Development (TDD), which often goes hand in hand with Agile and Scrum ideas, I often wonder if I am doing something the best way.  I remember distinctly Robert C Martin talking about being your new CTO with the goal of all of the code working correctly all of the time and that he didn’t care if you used TDD, but he doesn’t know a better way.


I was thinking how lately I have been practicing REPL-driven development using F#.  If you are not familiar, REPL stands for “READ-EVALUATE-PRINT-LOOP” and has been the primary methodology of functional programmers and data scientists for years.  In RDD, I quickly prove out my idea tin the REPL to see if I make sense.  it is strictly happy path programming.  Once I think I have a good idea or a solution to whatever problem I am working on, I lift the code into a compiled assembly.  The data elements I used in the REPL then get ported over into my unit tests.  I typically use C# unit tests so that I can confirm that my FSharp code will interop nicely with any VB.NET/C# projects in the solution.  I then layer on code coverage to make sure I have covered all happy paths and then throw some fail cases at the code.

Thinking of this methodology, I think it is closer to Scrum than traditional TDD for a couple of reasons:

Fail Fast and Fix early.  You cannot prove out ideas any faster than in the REPL except for maybe a dry board.  Curly-braces and OO-centered languages like Java and C# are great for certain jobs, but the require much more ceremony and code for code’s sake.  As Sutherland points out, context-switching is a killer.  The less you have to worry about code (classes, moqs, etc..) the faster and better you will be at solving your problem.

Working Too Hard Makes More Work. One of the most startling things about using F# on real projects is that there is just not very much code.  I finished and looked around to see what I missed.  My unit tests were passing, code coverage was high, and there just wasn’t much code.  It was quite unsettling.  I now realize that lots of C#/Java code needs to be generated for real programming projects (exception handling, class hierarchies, design patterns, etc…).  But as the Dartmouth Basic Manual once said “typing is not a substitute for thinking”, all of this code begets more code.  It is a cycle of work that creates more work that F# does not have.

Duplication/Boilerplates/Templates. Complete and Total Waste So this one is pretty self-explanatory.  Many people  (myself included) think that Visual Studio needs better F# templates.  However, once you get good at writing F# code, you really don’t need them.  Maybe it is good that there aren’t many more?  In any event, you don’t use templates and boiler plates in the REPL…


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