Consuming Azure ML web api endpoint from an array

Last week, I blogged about creating an Azure ML experiment, publishing it as a web service, and then consuming it from F#.  I then wanted to consume the web service using an array – passing in several values and seeing the results.  I created added on to my existing F #script with the following code

1 let input1 = new Dictionary<string,string>() 2 input1.Add("Zip Code","27519") 3 input1.Add("Race","W") 4 input1.Add("Party","UNA") 5 input1.Add("Gender","M") 6 input1.Add("Age","45") 7 input1.Add("Voted Ind","1") 8 9 let input2 = new Dictionary<string,string>() 10 input2.Add("Zip Code","27519") 11 input2.Add("Race","W") 12 input2.Add("Party","D") 13 input2.Add("Gender","F") 14 input2.Add("Age","47") 15 input2.Add("Voted Ind","1") 16 17 let inputs = new List<Dictionary<string,string>>() 18 inputs.Add(input1) 19 inputs.Add(input2) 20 21 inputs 22 |> i -> invokeService(i)) 23 |> Async.Parallel 24 |> Async.RunSynchronously 25

And sure enough, I can run the model using multiple inputs:


4 Responses to Consuming Azure ML web api endpoint from an array

  1. Ian says:

    Hi Jamie, I hope you’re well. Could you please email me on as we’d love to put a story together on your Eject-a-Bed creation for the UK press. Kind regards, Ian Mitchelmore.

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